Star Wars Episode VII is coming out at the end of the year and we want to prepare accordingly so we're doing a rewatch of each film and releasing the podcast episodes on the first of each month starting in June!

In addition to the Common Roomies we have three friends joining us:

Dave, at Pop Culture Case Study and @pccasestudy

Fitz, at, and @buckeyefitzy

and Pat, at... nowhere on the interwebs, but he encourages you to check out his wife Lindsey's section, BodySpiritBrain!

So check out the teaser and drop us a line if you want to hear something specific on future Star Wars Rewatch episodes!


Shout out to our friend Tim who created these great Star Wars themed caricatures!


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For incredible swag designed by our very own Yun, Katy, and Michelle, check out our RedBubble store!!

If you enjoyed this episode, check out our most recent main episodes:

Rise of the Political Dystopian
TDO 1: Topical Dish and Obsessions 

Special Iggle Ep: Freaks and Geeks Rewatch

Second Hand Video Gaming- Dragon Age Inquisition

Breaking into Comics with Michael Sarrao

WINE (and the SOMM documentary)

Or more F3 (Food, Fitness, Fashion):

F3: Episode 28: Larissa's Picks
F3: Episode 27: #Worklife

F3: Episode 26: Fairy Tales/Into the Woods

F3: Episode 25: New Year's!

F3: Episode 23: 2/3 Yemenite

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