As you know, on Common Room, we are religiously and politically neutral. We'll never post happy holidays for any holiday or support a political candidate as a site/podcast. So, when I asked friends and strangers to be on the show for #Potterweek and got a request to talk about religious allusions, I was a bit nervous.

Stefani, a friend who I met through work suggested this for a reason that was pretty interesting. Stefani and her siblings were not allowed to have Harry Potter in the home.

Stefani has a personal connection that she generously shared. We moved on to talk about bigger Harry Potter themes, favorites, and even took some time to do some sorting and discuss those large introspective questions.

Enjoy this last episode of Potterweek on what I'm calling Potterday. Happy First Day of Hogwarts!!

Check out Stefani- nowhere! She hates the internet! And check out James on social media as thejacksonjd!

More from Potterweek 2016:

7/25 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone movie commentary with Megan Gotch aka The Nerdy Girlie and Katie Elhoffer of Elhoffer Designs. Big kudos to our podcasting intern Kristen!

7/26 Hermione: Our Favorite Know it All GirlBoss with Amanda of Great Beer Adventure!

7/27 The Dursleys: A Look at Harry's Only Living Family Members with Kris of No Extra Words!

7/28 Relationships in Potter: Ginny + Harry, Snape/Lily/James with Alice of Girl Who Roams and Kayla of Epicfied!

7/30 Magic vs Muggle: How Each World Views the Other with Jada an officer of Geek Girl Brunch NYC and Julia Perkins (soon to be featured on our Lost rewatch podcast!).

Bonus Jonases for Potterweek 2016:

Potter as YA with Greg of Adventures in Poor Taste!

Quidditch is THE WORST with Nathan of Flights, Tights, and Movie Nights (and Channel: Superhero) and Fitz of SO MANY PLACES (also heard on our Star Wars Rewatch episodes)!

Hogwarts + Dumbledore are THE WORST with Allison of Podlander, Nicole of Geeky Gatherings, How to Fangirl for Adults, and Common Room, and Debbie of The Geeky TwinYou Haven't Seen, and Common Room!

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