Hillary Slams Biden “We Don’t Have a White House that We Can Count on to be Sane and Sober and Stable and Productive”


49-year-old Carlos Tejada, a New York Times Deputy Asia Editor, died of a heart attack last week mere hours after getting a Covid booster shot.

Mr. Tejada received a Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine in July, per his Instagram account.

Tejada received a Moderna booster shot on December 16 and died of a heart attack less than one day later.

“Double-vaxxed. Janssen-fueled, Moderna-boosted. Hey Omicron: Hit me with your wet snot,” Tejada boasted on Instagram on December 16.

“On Dec. 16, in Seoul, South Korea, he received a Moderna mRNA/LNP “booster.” No clinical trials have ever been conducted to examine the safety or efficacy of mixing various types of these vaccines, and Carlos did not give informed consent, as the consent form was in Korean, a language he could not read. He joked that Omicron should “hit me with your wet snot.”” former New York Times journalist Alex Berenson wrote on his Substack.


Kamala Harris' Kwanzaa Message Immediately Called Out as People Post Serious Doubts About Her Claim


As most Americans celebrated Christmas, Vice President Kamala Harris wrote about her childhood memories from a different holiday. However, many social media users questioned the legitimacy of her claims. “Our Kwanzaa celebrations are some of my favorite childhood memories,” Harris said Sunday on Twitter. Harris posted a similar Kwanzaa message last holiday season. Notably, it started with the exact same sentence as this year’s tweet. In the video that accompanied the message, she said her family “would gather around across multiple generations” to celebrate the holiday.

Jeopardy! is awarding women’s records to a transgender man, and corporate parent NBC News is hailing Amy Schneider as the “highest-earning female contestant in the game show’s nearly 57-year run.”


USA Swimming official who resigned over trans swimmer Lia Thomas says athlete is 'destroying women's swimming'

"The fact is that swimming is a sport in which bodies compete against bodies. Identities do not compete against identities," Millen said in an appearance on "Tucker Carlson Tonight." "Men are different from women, men swimmers are different from women, and they will always be faster than women."

Millen detailed the different biological factors that impact a swimmer's performance, explaining that "boys will always have larger lung capacity, larger hearts, greater circulation, a bigger skeleton, and less fat."
