Since Pence left office, he's been under criticism by a segment of Trump supporters for his role in certifying the 2020 election results on January 6th. Many within the MAGA movement have called him a traitor. Pence gave CBN News a lengthy response.

"On January 6th, I said that I believe there were irregularities about which I was concerned, and I wanted them to have a fair hearing before the Congress," Pence says. "But from the founding of this nation forward, it's been well established that elections are to be governed at the state level and that the only role that Congress has is to open and count the electoral votes that are submitted by states across the country. No more no less than that."

"And in January of 2017, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. The Bible says in Psalm 15, that he keeps his oath even when it hurts and, on that day, I could relate to that sentiment. But I wanted to keep my oath to the Constitution."

That led Pence to a bottom-line conclusion. "I know in my heart of hearts that on that day, we did our duty, under the Constitution... I don't know if President Trump and I will ever see eye to eye on that day. Or that many of our most ardent supporters will agree with my decision that day. But I know I did the right thing."

So, what about his next decision regarding the future? Mike Pence travels to New Hampshire this month which fuels speculation of a presidential run. But what if Donald Trump enters the race? When asked whether he wouldn't run in that scenario, the former vice president didn't give a flat-out no.