On Thursdays our host Doug Pagitt sits down with a wide range of guests to talk about the hot-button issues we face as a society. On today's show, Jeanine Butler, Catherine Butler, and Kurtis Schaeffer talk about their documentary 'God $ Green' which investigates how caring for the environment went from something almost everyone agreed upon to a hotly debated wedge issue.

Kurtis R. Schaeffer | Frances Myers Ball Professor | Department of Religious Studies | The University of Virginia| Co-Director, Religion, Race & Democracy Lab | Host, Sacred & Profane.


Jeanine Butler | Documentary Producer / Writer | www.butlerfilms.tv


Catherine Lynn Butler | Documentary Producer / Writer  | www.butlerfilms.tv

Merchants of Doubt www.merchantsofdoubt.org

God$Green: An Unholy Alliance https://religionlab.virginia.edu/godgreen/

American Heretics: www.americanhereticsthefilm.com

