Sponsored by Reblaze, creators of Curiefense

Justin Dorfman | Richard Littauer
Mike Sparr
Staff Cloud Architect at DoiT International
Show Notes
Hello and welcome to Committing to Cloud Native Podcast! It’s the podcast by Reblaze where we talk about open source maintainers, contributors, sustainers, and their experiences in the cloud native space. On today’s episode, we are super excited to have as our guest, Mike Sparr, who is a Staff Cloud Architect at DoiT International. Mike shares awesome stories about how he started programming at the age of ten, his journey of getting to where he is today with DoiT International, how DoiT International is different than other companies, and what DoiT does in terms of open source. Find out what Mike’s recipe for success is, what he’s most excited about right now, and the voids in the industry he thinks he could fill. Download this episode now to find out more!
[00:01:07 (https://podcast.curiefense.io/6?t=67)] Justin shares Curiefense updates.
[00:02:10 (https://podcast.curiefense.io/6?t=130)] Mike shares a story with us about how he started programming at the age of ten on a Tandy TRS-80.
[00:03:10 (https://podcast.curiefense.io/6?t=190)] We learn Mike’s journey and how he ended up at DoiT International.
[00:10:00 (https://podcast.curiefense.io/6?t=600)] Mike tells us what part of Kubernetes he’s working on, how DoiT is involved, and we learn more about the Founder of DoiT, Vadim Solovey.
[00:12:13 (https://podcast.curiefense.io/6?t=733)] Mike explains what ProdOps is.
[00:14:51 (https://podcast.curiefense.io/6?t=891)] Richard wonders how Mike optimizes machine learning for his clients and how is DoiT International different than other people in this space in this field. He also tells us about Kaggle.
[00:19:30 (https://podcast.curiefense.io/6?t=1170)] Find out what DoiT is doing in terms of open source. Also, Mike tells us about two open source tools, Kube No Trouble and Iris.
[00:25:41 (https://podcast.curiefense.io/6?t=1541)] We learn Mike’s recipe for success.
[00:27:04 (https://podcast.curiefense.io/6?t=1624)] Mike explains their ‘R&D time’ which is similar to Google’s ‘20% time.’
[00:30:26 (https://podcast.curiefense.io/6?t=1826)] Find out what’s next for Mike and what he’s super excited about right now. We also learn about the “voids” he mentions.
[00:34:30 (https://podcast.curiefense.io/6?t=2070)] Mike tells us where you can follow him and learn more about what he’s doing.
[00:19:53 (https://podcast.curiefense.io/6?t=1193)] “So, in order to do that, our founders have had to leverage open source technology and give back to open source.”
[00:24:14 (https://podcast.curiefense.io/6?t=1454)] “Well, the need for security in today’s age, especially as people are going more remote, is only going to increase. So, I think you guys are very well positioned for kind of the wave ahead.”
[00:25:39 (https://podcast.curiefense.io/6?t=1539)] “I would say, for me what’s always been I guess my recipe for success with working with engineers is being an engineer myself.”
[00:28:03 (https://podcast.curiefense.io/6?t=1683)] “Another third is cloud support, and so when customers request help on the cloud, our team essentially acts like stack overflow.”
[00:31:59 (https://podcast.curiefense.io/6?t=1919)] “Well, my theory, like I said, my theory is, in the future healthcare and security are going to be the big frontiers. The other, as you guys mentioned is AI and ML.”
Curiefense (https://www.curiefense.io/)
Curiefense Twitter (https://twitter.com/curiefense?lang=en)
[email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Reblaze (https://www.reblaze.com/)
Justin Dorfman Twitter (https://twitter.com/jdorfman?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor)
Richard Littauer Twitter (https://twitter.com/richlitt?lang=en)
1.4.0 Roadmap Curiefense-GitHub (https://github.com/curiefense/curiefense/milestone/3)
Mike Sparr Twitter (https://twitter.com/mikesparr)
Mike Sparr Linkedin (https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikesparr/)
DoiT International (https://www.doit-intl.com/)
DoiT International Linkedin (https://www.linkedin.com/company/doitintl?trk=public_profile_topcard-current-company)
DoiT International Blog (https://blog.doit-intl.com/)
Cloud Native Ambassadors (CNAs) (https://www.cncf.io/people/ambassadors/)
Kaggle (https://www.kaggle.com/)
Kube No Trouble-GitHub (https://github.com/doitintl/kube-no-trouble)
Iris-GitHub (https://github.com/doitintl/iris)
DoiT International-GitHub (https://github.com/doitintl)
Vadim Solovey Linkedin (https://www.linkedin.com/in/vadimska)
Demystifying Machine Learning by Building an ML Pipeline (Part 1) by Mike Sparr (https://blog.doit-intl.com/demystifying-machine-learning-by-building-an-ml-pipeline-part-1-43fc30eba242)
Demystifying Machine Learning by Building an ML Pipeline (Part 2) by Mike Sparr (https://blog.doit-intl.com/demystifying-machine-learning-by-building-an-ml-pipeline-part-2-dfd9ce786088)
Executive Produced by Tzury Bar Yochay (https://twitter.com/tzury)
Produced by Justin Dorfman (https://www.justindorfman.com/)
Edited by Paul M. Bahr at Peachtree Sound (https://www.peachtreesound.com/)
Show notes by DeAnn Bahr at Peachtree Sound (https://www.peachtreesound.com/) Special Guest: Mike Sparr.

Sponsored by Reblaze, creators of Curiefense


Justin Dorfman | Richard Littauer


Mike Sparr

Staff Cloud Architect at DoiT International

Show Notes

Hello and welcome to Committing to Cloud Native Podcast! It’s the podcast by Reblaze where we talk about open source maintainers, contributors, sustainers, and their experiences in the cloud native space. On today’s episode, we are super excited to have as our guest, Mike Sparr, who is a Staff Cloud Architect at DoiT International. Mike shares awesome stories about how he started programming at the age of ten, his journey of getting to where he is today with DoiT International, how DoiT International is different than other companies, and what DoiT does in terms of open source. Find out what Mike’s recipe for success is, what he’s most excited about right now, and the voids in the industry he thinks he could fill. Download this episode now to find out more!

[00:01:07] Justin shares Curiefense updates.

[00:02:10] Mike shares a story with us about how he started programming at the age of ten on a Tandy TRS-80.

[00:03:10] We learn Mike’s journey and how he ended up at DoiT International.

[00:10:00] Mike tells us what part of Kubernetes he’s working on, how DoiT is involved, and we learn more about the Founder of DoiT, Vadim Solovey.

[00:12:13] Mike explains what ProdOps is.

[00:14:51] Richard wonders how Mike optimizes machine learning for his clients and how is DoiT International different than other people in this space in this field. He also tells us about Kaggle.

[00:19:30] Find out what DoiT is doing in terms of open source. Also, Mike tells us about two open source tools, Kube No Trouble and Iris.

[00:25:41] We learn Mike’s recipe for success.

[00:27:04] Mike explains their ‘R&D time’ which is similar to Google’s ‘20% time.’

[00:30:26] Find out what’s next for Mike and what he’s super excited about right now. We also learn about the “voids” he mentions.

[00:34:30] Mike tells us where you can follow him and learn more about what he’s doing.


[00:19:53] “So, in order to do that, our founders have had to leverage open source technology and give back to open source.”

[00:24:14] “Well, the need for security in today’s age, especially as people are going more remote, is only going to increase. So, I think you guys are very well positioned for kind of the wave ahead.”

[00:25:39] “I would say, for me what’s always been I guess my recipe for success with working with engineers is being an engineer myself.”

[00:28:03] “Another third is cloud support, and so when customers request help on the cloud, our team essentially acts like stack overflow.”

[00:31:59] “Well, my theory, like I said, my theory is, in the future healthcare and security are going to be the big frontiers. The other, as you guys mentioned is AI and ML.”


Curiefense Twitter
[email protected]
Justin Dorfman Twitter
Richard Littauer Twitter
1.4.0 Roadmap Curiefense-GitHub
Mike Sparr Twitter
Mike Sparr Linkedin
DoiT International
DoiT International Linkedin
DoiT International Blog
Cloud Native Ambassadors (CNAs)
Kube No Trouble-GitHub
DoiT International-GitHub
Vadim Solovey Linkedin
Demystifying Machine Learning by Building an ML Pipeline (Part 1) by Mike Sparr
Demystifying Machine Learning by Building an ML Pipeline (Part 2) by Mike Sparr


Executive Produced by Tzury Bar Yochay
Produced by Justin Dorfman
Edited by Paul M. Bahr at Peachtree Sound
Show notes by DeAnn Bahr at Peachtree Sound

Special Guest: Mike Sparr.

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Curiefense: Protect Your Cloud Native Applications 👉 Try Curiefense today!

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