Today my guest is Gene Trowbridge is a commercial real estate broker, CCM syndicator. An author, he wrote the book, it's a whole new business. He's a speaker, a real estate attorney, and a founding partner at the corporate securities law firm Trowbridge, Sidoti LLP, and an expert in real estate syndication. And in just a minute, we're going to speak with Gene about syndication law, and the issues with regulation, the private placement. But first, a quick reminder, if you like the show, CREPN Radio, please let us know you can like, share and subscribe. And as always, you can leave a comment we'd love to hear from our listeners. Also, if you'd like to see how handsome our guests are, be sure to check out our YouTube channel. And that's Commercial Real Estate Pro Network. With that, I want to welcome my guest, Gene, welcome to CREPN Radio.

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