Do you know how to leverage Social Media for Commercial Real Estate?

Matthew Laborde, principal of Elifin Realty, a commercial real estate brokerage in Baton Rouge, LA, is successfully leveraging social media to create a recognizable brand and attract clients.  He worked hard and in just three years he was the 2nd largest producer in the firm! On his 27th birthday, he started his own firm, Elifin Realty. 

How to Start with Social Media

How do you start to use social media?  You start. When Matthew started in commercial real estate at nineteen years old, Matthew had sworn off social media.  Prior to 2018, he used social media to connect with others, and rally for a cause. He did not use social media for business.  

Why use Social Media for Business?

If people don’t know you are in business, how are they going to find you?  The first time you post for business is awkward. It will continue to be until you find your way.  Your goal in the beginning is to connect with people and find the people who are your fans or potential clients.  

Start by connecting with others and commenting on their posts.  Get comfortable being uncomfortable. Your connections, will become your audience.  They will choose to engage with you if your post provides value for them.  

Be Vulnerable Make Deeper Connections 

Your audience will be compelled to pay attention if they find you are willing to be vulnerable and show more than just a highlight reel.  Matthew jumped off the vulnerable pier and into the deep end of uncomfortable when he made the decision to document his journey towards starring in a musical.  That may not sound like much unless you don’t sing, dance or act.

Matthew posted pictures of him in tights, and singing in public.  To deepen his connection with his contacts and further his progression of performing in front of others, he posted a challenge for anyone, anytime to request him to sing a song in public.   

What to Post

Learning what to post can take time.  Just remember you are trying to connect with your contacts and provide value.  This does not have to be just information about your business. You can comment on activities in your community or comment on other people’s page if you have something that is relevant.  

Matthew and Elifin utilize the different platforms to post a sample of the original post found on their website.  This is an excellent way to gain SEO ranking on your website by linking to your website utilizing your keywords.

Answer questions that your customers have asked you.  Elifin has created a list of questions that clients ask, where members of the firm provide video answers.  

Where to Post on Social Media

How many social media platforms do you need to be on?  Matthew has limited his posting to two: Facebook and Linkedin.  If it is anything related to business, Matthew post, the post the exact same information on each Facebook & Linkedin.  Find where your clients and prospects engage on social media and post there. 

Traction on Social Media

How long does it take to create traction on Social Media?  When you commit to utilizing social media and you are posting regularly.  

Authentic Provide value to client Keep posting Post more often

You are probably thinking, “one more thing to do”, “every day”, right?  Matthew has figured out how to continue to post regularly without a lot of extra effort.  

To do this, he recommends that you find a part of your day that you can create a small nugget of content you can post.  Think of the questions your clients or colleagues asked during the day and take a minute to provide an answer on video speaking to your audience.  If you read a trade journal, or something of local importance, take a minute and comment online. Over time, you will develop an identity, and people will recognize you as an expert.   

Do I need to Spend Money

You do NOT need to spend money to establish yourself on social media.  If you connect with others, post valuable content regularly that speaks to your audience, you do not need to spend money on ads.  Organic, original content will 


Each week I ask my guest, “What is the Biggest Risk Real Estate Investors face?”  

BIGGEST RISK: Matthew Laborde, what is the BIGGEST RISK? 

Matthew: The BIGGEST RISK, so I'm going to stay on topic for this one and I'll speak to the biggest risk for business owners and agents, right. In general, especially for the, I would say the veteran agent, the more mature agent and older agent.  

The older business owners not engaging in social media is a huge risk.  It's this wide open field that you might, as the veteran, you might have the capital to invest, to have to hire people to do this for you.  But if you don't believe that it can help your business, and if you don't take the time to understand it, then you're going to miss a huge opportunity and open it up for a younger generation, like myself, to come in and take market share. So I'd say that's a huge risk that you need to consider.

For more go to:

Facebook: Matthew Laborde

Linkedin: Matthew Laborde
