J Darrin Gross

I'd like to ask you, Zachary Beach. What is the biggest risk?


Zachary Beach  

Yeah, it's a fantastic question. Because it's something that we talk about quite often. And it's something that we talked about a lot with our, our students, and that's because we help a lot of students leave their corporate jobs, and become real estate investors or become business owners, because it's our big belief that the W two is the biggest threat. Who is the biggest risk because you have zero control over the outcome of whether or not you have a job or not, there's too many other parties involved. There's too many other people that that can control your destiny. It's not until you put the risk or you go outside your comfort zone and start building the life that you choose through either real estate investing or business. That way you can start taking control of your life. No, all the predictions are right now that we're about to go into a downturn. I mean, nobody can really predict me in the billionaires can predict, but the feeling is that we're shifting. And when there's a shift, there tends to be layoffs, there tends to be businesses out there cutting back on their labor, and they start really consolidating. So you just never know, if you're the one that's going to get cut back on as as being you know, instead of w two. So that is why there's a large group of people that are consistently and we're starting to see it are consistently applying to be you know, in our programs that have corporate jobs, and they're looking to first and foremost, offset expenses by building a real estate portfolio. And then secondly, once they go ahead and build that portfolio, create a transition plan to now be in control of their business, and be in control of their lives. And you the amazing thing is once you see people transition and escape that that job, the new life that's built into them in the acceleration process of their life, personal development, their wealth, how it dramatically starts increasing, once they have full control of it and can consistently day in and day out work on building that better life. So the W two in my eyes is always the biggest risk when it comes to you know, say real estate investment when it comes to you personally inside you live.