I'd like to ask you Yakov Smart, What is the BIGGEST RISK?


Yakov Smart  41:51  

Right and it's a it's a great question. It's not something that I you know, honestly think about on a daily basis. I guess I'm you're a little more. You know, you see, you see A lot more different scenarios as being an insurance than I probably do when it comes to risk. But I'm gonna I'm gonna give a bit of what might be a bit of a surprising answer here. I think the BIGGEST RISK is a combination of plagiarism and misinformation because in the space, let's call it mentorship or online programs or coaching, consulting. There's a lot of knockoffs. There's a lot of people who are trying who here's something, it's good, they claim it as their own, or they put a slightly different flavor on it and they go and they completely knock off content ideas, intellectual property. And they you know, sometimes do it without repercussions sometimes do it for a while. So, you know, it has a lot of people in the space that I met and also, you know, a lot of coaches in the real estate space as well specifically, a lot of us understand that the bigger we get, especially if we And scalability reach or impact that's just a risk that naturally comes up.  So you know to mitigate that risk and what puts me at ease around it is somebody could duplicate content okay? I mean and plagiarize and and do whatever but you know what I know at the end of the day is the unique way that I have delivering it and also with working with people, that's just not duplicatable because that's personally my unique perspective, my insight, my approach my methodology.  So and the other side of that is misinformation. Someone you know, can play the blame game and say, well, you they can do something stupid, for example, on LinkedIn and post their deal and, you know, not be compliant with the SEC not something that I would tell them to do first of all, but then they could say, well that that guy said I can mark it on LinkedIn. So I can't I post my deal and say invest now on it just to the public. Like it's, you know, obviously something that I wouldn't recommend anybody does. But sometimes there's misinformation or people misconstrue things and human error. So it's always a risk to I mean, humans are humans.