I'd like to ask you, Trevor Crow, what is the BIGGEST RISK??


Trevor Crow  

So in my mind, that is assuming that there is no risk in certain actions and or in the status quo. So, you know, for me, I started this firm, which seemed like a big risk at the time. And I started in 2018. But at the, you know, because I was coming from a firm, a well established firm that, you know, paid me and I was, you know, never worried about the paycheck and it just came, and I knew there was business there and as business was going to keep coming in, and so it seemed like a big risk for me to, to go out on my own. Now. Now I look back at it and I think I was at a much bigger risk staying at that firm than I am now. And it kind of goes back to my roots of graduating law school in 2009. And seeing that the the people who had got terminated the attorneys that got let go or laid off. Were not the attorneys with big books of business. Those attorneys always have a place. And so if you have clients, if you have relationships you have, you know, people who know like and trust you and come to you do work for them, you always have a place to anywhere you want. Or you could write your own ticket by starting your own firm. And, you know, the firm I was at was a great firm, great attorneys loved it there. The problem was that I was the corporate guy doing all the corporate work for other people's clients. And so at the end of the day, you know, my risk was, as I look back at it now, it was more of a risk for me to be there than it is now because now I have my own clients. I have those relationships, direct relationships, and when they have issues that come to me, and and so I can write my own ticket a lot more than I could At the prior firm, and so I think, you know, often people think that certain, whatever society says, or whatever seems normal and safe might not always be normal and safe because, you know, big, big fortune 500 companies will lay you off. And, and that happens all the time. And so just having that job doesn't necessarily mean you're safe. And so, you know, I think bottom line is sometimes take what seems like a risk might actually be safer in the long run.