J Darrin Gross

I'd like to ask you, Rick Kalvoda, what is the Biggest Risk?


Rick Kalvoda  

Yeah, I think. So operating expenses of which, you know, insurance is is a big component, you know, the risk, I think, right now have ownership of commercial real estate. I think right now, and this kind of goes back to the uncertainty and what's going to happen with inflation, what's going to happen with interest rates, what's the Fed going to do is just, it's the uncertainty. And as the Fed continues with that increases, the biggest risk right now is is there, you know, is there a global financial crisis, you know, you starting to see the stress on some of the banks, you're starting to see, as I mentioned, with some of the, you know, blending or the borrower's, you know, handing keys back to the lenders, you're starting to see some of that, at the same time, slowing economic growth, you know, and also increase inflation, all that stress to the economy that if we go into a recession if we continue to have higher interest rates and that that's going to have an impact not just on commercial real estate, but across all asset classes, but then specifically, commercial real estate and especially with, you know, the amount of lending done by the regional banks, which you know, are, over the past couple of weeks have seen this stress is, that's probably the biggest, you know, concern out there is in biggest risk for our investor and for our clients, is just what happens, you know, the overall macroeconomic picture and there's just so many different things impact again, on top of that, you know, back to your comment just on insurance is just with the, you know, you just think of the climate risk and everything that's, you know, happened this year, and, and how that impacts, you know, commercial real estate, whether it's rising, you know, ocean levels, etc, is, all of that has, you know, so our clients, the owners and operators of that commercial real estate, not only have to think about that, but then the macroeconomic you know, side of it as well. So, so a lot of risks now, hence the uncertainty, but that's, we're all here to help the industry out, you know, in times of risks like that,