J. Darrin Gross:

I'd like to ask you, Raphael Collazo what is the Biggest Risk?


Raphael Collazo 

Yeah, no, I think we kind of touched on it a little bit early on. And I think that's just a broader risk as a whole. I mean, you know, it's somewhat out of our control what's going to happen over the next six to 12 months, I mean, the Feds gonna have a part to play but, you know, geopolitical issues that have been arising and supply constraints or, or things that we're at work trying to work through, but it's going to be reality for quite some time. So as far as the risk is concerned, if you're a property owner, and you're in the retail space, in particular, just working with your tenants understand getting a pulse on how they're doing, you know, talking to them, just being that that their relationship, because again, they as tenants are supporting you as landlord, and vice versa, it should be that type of relationship. So in situations where we go into a, you know, an economic recession, which is likely going to be the case, you know, working with your tenants to try to get them through it if you can, and if not, then obviously repositioning the space to be, you know, attractive to to particular users, and understanding that, you know, what you could maybe charge two years ago, may not be realistic today. But that's going to change going forward. I mean, as you know, we go through recessions, and then we eventually come out of recessions. And so, you know, again, it's better to keep a tenant that's good than to lose one and then have to replace them. And I'm sure that's the case that you've dealt with in all different property types.