J Darrin Gross

I'd like to ask you, Ran Eliasaf, what is the BIGGEST RISK?


Ran Eliasaf  

Our biggest risk is determining the value of the collateral we're lending on? It's never a scientific answer. You can get all the appraisals, you want third parties and all of your internal knowledge. But eventually, a value of an asset is only what somebody else would be willing to pay for it as a term at a certain point in time. So we spend a lot of time on the writing and diligence thing and trying to determine what's the value and then what's our LTV, what's our loan to value. And that's where we focus most of our engine, that's the biggest risk, because if you gave a loan and you find you're at 50%, LTV, and then you realize you're at 80 or 90, then then that's that's a big problem. That's a big risk. What we do to mitigate that risk, first of all, we lower their LTV. If you know two years ago, we learned that 65% LTV, now we're more around 54% LTV to we kind of focus on asset classes that are less volatile, like residential in New York City where there's, you know, yeah, prices can shift. But the chances of, you know, the value of residential in New York dropping 50% is less likely than it is for an office building, for example. And that's where we're the biggest risk for us. And that's where we focus on.