
I'd like to ask you Omar Khan, what is the BIGGEST RISK?



Not having enough liquidity.  You could have the greatest asset in the world, if you don't have enough liquidity, none of it, you can survive. A lot of times when you're in trouble. All you need to do is run down the clock and survive. And liquidity offers you that, that comfort, or another word, a lot of times, you know, we are humans, when we're put under undue stress, we tend to do things that we would not do when we weren't under stress. So the liquidity is the cushion that allows you to not mentally put yourself under stress or be backed into a corner for no reason. So even during trying times, you can, for lack of a better word, continue to do business as usual while you're scrambling to do everything else, right. And you're not foreclosed upon, nobody hates you, you're not dying.