Nick Prefontaine, what is the BIGGEST RISK?


Nick Prefontaine  

The BIGGEST RISK is analysis paralysis, so not taking action. Thinking that you have to learn you have to learn XYZ or you have to you have to do something else or get to a certain point before you're ready to take action. I just think that that paralyzes people into not getting results if they're not taking action. So one of the things that I always say is ready fire aim. Like just get started. And then once you're started, you can course correct and that's, that's been my whole career. Door knocking, like I said, I get out there, I failed a bunch of times I didn't, I had limited information about what to do. But then once I had something to go off of, and I was able to fine tune in and get better and better. Same thing with cold calling and prospecting as a realtor. You know, once I got started, I was I was able to adjust and get better. Then there was a time when I didn't know I work primarily with the buyers in our business, the rent to own buyers and kind of out of the out of working with them I Distilled or developed a process that you have to put everyone through to ensure that they're able to be successful and get to the end of their lease and be able to get their own loan and get across the finish line. But there was a time when I didn't know any of that. I my dad listen to some of my first calls. I there was a time I didn't know any of that. So I was I just start that. That's my thing. Like take action.