I'd like to ask you, Mark Childs, Daniel Sayles, and Daniel Helm, if you could identify what is the biggest risk?


Daniel Helm  

I can go first on that, I would say the biggest risk would be not making that last call. One more call that potential opportunity, at the end of the day, at last dial the day, the easy dial to just say, Hey, we're not going to do it. potential opportunity to help a client prospective client, someone that you know, has an opportunity, but all you need to do is pick up that phone. So to not make that last dial is huge. And one thing we preach here at Capacity is one more call. 


Daniel Sayles  

Yeah, mine kind of ties into that as well. For me, the biggest risk for me is always being uncomfortable. I feel like in this job, if you're comfortable, and you think you know everything, there's something you're missing in the deal, there's something that you're not asking the landlord, there's something that you're not asking your client. So sometimes I just like getting uncomfortable and maybe asking the landlord for something I typically wouldn't do or asking my client, you know, or a prospective client when I walk into their business and talk to them. Just having that conversation with them and letting them know that I care and it might seem awkward at the time but it'll go far, you know, down the road if they start working with me.


Daniel Helm  

Get comfortable being uncomfortable. 


Daniel Sayles  



Mark Childs  

I would put it you know there's lots of risk everywhere. But to keep it simple, you know, in the biz, when you're out showing someone a property to start with the difficult questions. What What is the sprinkler rating here? You know, what is code? Will this use really fit here? Okay, it's a multi tenant Park. That looks like a lot of space. Let's go out and pace it off? Is that really enough room for your trucks to come in? You know, a conventional sleeper with a 53 footers 72 feet that takes a lot of room. Oh, by the way, you're gonna have a lot of parking. It looks like there's parking now, but we got to learn about the tenants nearby how much parking they're going to need. The flip side on the biz, I think what I've learned through the years is don't try to do something that you're not good at. I'm blessed, I have a lot of people calling me through time for advice on their real estate problem. And more often than not, I'm, I let them know yes call me first but by the way, odds are I won't be the one solving it but I'm going to know who to recommend for solving that. Not much anymore retail, restaurant or other food group category a problem.