I'd like to ask you, Lior Gantz, what is the biggest risk?


Lior Gantz  

`So I think COVID-19 is changing a lot of habits that people have some habits changed faster for certain people, some habits have not changed and some habits are slowly starting to change. And it's very important to see that you're not kind of touch with what's happening. In other words that you don't think that the way that you're being changed by COVID-19 is the way that your clients are being changed by COVID-19. Therefore, you will take your business one way because that's what personally is happening to you your own personal experience was your, your clients are, are looking at a different route to go forward and you're going to lose them to competition. So the biggest risk right now is not understanding how your client has changed if it changed, and I think that's really important for people to to stay on top of now, if you're an employee, which most people are, your client is your boss, you need to see if he's changed. If his business is more vulnerable, you should look at moving to a different business. His business is full of problems, but he also has a way to get through it, then you can bring a lot of value by solving problems and you can move ahead in the company. So just think of that, understand that everyone right now is experiencing either multiple problems or other experiencing a boom, because basically the government has benefited if you want to be part of that, be part of that. In other words, go with companies that and with industries that have a huge tailwind or go to the victims because you're going to have opportunities to make a huge significant significant impact on them. Because they need so many new ideas and some fresh solutions. So either or, but just know that this is a phenomenal time to show your value that is the key point. Just think of the experiment that no business would have ever taken to close down or to put all the employees home. These are unheard of. And they've happened now. So you have to be unconscious that and that is the biggest risk losing the mindset of your clients because he's changing you're no longer understand what he wants and what he needs.