Leslie Smith, what is the BIGGEST RISK?


Leslie Smith:

I think, you know, I'll speak about investing. I think what's really important when We see investors, one of the things that it's hard for us, and when we're trying to when we're when I mentioned earlier about the story is that, you know, they don't really know what their objective is as an investor.

So, you know, if they don't have like, an objective is okay, I want to, I want to own 12 properties, and they need to live like this, and this is how I'm going to manage them, it's really difficult for us to see whether they're going to be successful in growing that real estate portfolio.

You know, you know, investing in real estate is not it's not a sprint, it's a marathon. And you really have to be methodical and thoughtful about what you're doing. Because you can get yourself in a lot of trouble, you know, quickly, and you know, and that's your nest egg that you're building.

I think risk is that there's a lot of folks that say, Oh, you know what, I don't really want to invest in stocks, and I think I need to buy real estate. They're just they're not thoughtful about the plan, and then the plan.

Then if you don't have a plan, then what kind of lender Are you going to, you know, seek, and that could get you into some not so great. loans. And we've seen that a lot with refinance people were, you know, they thought they were getting, you know, they were buying this property and it was their investment and then, you know, it's like a double digit rate, and that's tough.

And so that's really what we see as risky, because then you have a lot more default, you have a person that, you know, really thought they were making a smart investment, and really protecting themselves long term. And it turned out to be, you know, a loss for them.