So, with that, I'd like to ask you, Jason de Bono. What is the BIGGEST RISK?


Jason DeBono  44:22  

I think the BIGGEST RISK for a self directed account is that you take responsibility for all the investments, and it's a risk of personal accountability, right? If you keep your IRA in the stock market, one really nice benefit is that when it goes up and goes down, you know, you can kind of finger point your way around around it. Risking in a self directed account means you're taking on all the risk. There is no broker, there's no third party, you know that that's making your investments on your behalf. Now, in a self directed account, you can certainly rely on professionals right. Commercial brokers that can give you guidance and Advice insurance agents that can help you walk through the process. So you can get professional opinions, but at the end of the day, you're the one saying I want to buy that. And so that is your risk that you're inheriting. Obviously, you know, I love your, your example of kind of the three approaches, right? Which is to, to, you know, to look at risk, and understand whether or not we can avoid it, minimize it or transfer it. And I think excuse me, in a self directed account. From an investment standpoint, you can do all three of those things, you know, you can certainly, you know, avoid the risk by buying investments that have less risk, right? You can minimizing it, minimize it by educating yourself, right? So many people look at investing and wonder what went wrong and you know, there's a good saying I rely on all the time and that is the cheapest lesson that you'll ever learn is somebody else's. And you know, we we all learned lots of lessons the hard way and some of those can be very costly in terms of time, energy and money. So when it comes to Investing seeking advice and counsel and knowledge and expertise is is a wise thing to do, literally and figuratively. So you can minimize your risk by investing into what you know and understand it. And then transferring risk, you know, make no mistake, if you move money from stocks and bonds into the real estate market, you're transferring risk, right? you're transferring the risk and exposure in the stock market to the risk and exposure in the real estate market. And that's a personal decision that each and every person that makes that, you know, choice has to look at. And for a lot of our clients, they're reducing risk by moving it right. They're transferring risk from one asset class that they don't know a whole lot about to an asset class that they in most cases know a good deal about. So all of those kind of long answer to a short question. But But without a doubt, if you're going to self direct your account, the risk you're taking on is that you are 100% responsible, NuView will not offer you an investment put you in an investment recommended endorse it, approve it. It's 100% self directed