J Darrin Gross

 I'd like to ask you, James Goss, what is the BIGGEST RISK?


James Gosse  

Well, a great question. And certainly, you know, the topic we were just touching on by the way, Darrin, I think, you know, oftentimes, so people are aware interest rate caps are often referred to as insurance policies for your interest rate. So I just found that an interesting aside, the biggest risk for us and this is a good question. You know, it's one of the things that If I'm honest, sort of this probably keeps me up at night more than other things. It's, you know, it's not making people aware of who we are, it's not not being able to get our message out to the right people. Right, that that's the risk I see. And again, we're obviously doing what we can to eliminate, mitigate, minimize all that kind of stuff. That said, you know, to us, that's the biggest risk, obviously, there's, there's other market forces and things like that, but just from what we can control. You know, to me that that's the biggest risk is we have something that when we explain it correctly, and when we have the right, people were talking to light bulbs go on. And when we have the discussion with lender partners, they go, of course, we want to do this with you, right? Of course we'd like so, but it's just a function of the risk is that we don't communicate it right. Or the risk is that we don't communicate it to the right audience or, you know, whatever the case. So, to us, it's a an exposure again, and I see this very much. So we've got a guy, I think the gentleman who set me up to this, Tim, is outstanding, and he's spends all of his time trying to figure out how do we make sure the market is aware of us has the right perception. And again, that's one of the reasons we were so pleased to join CCI M, their member Advantage program? Again, for us, it's a, I would say an exposure or, you know, making sure we get enough exposure is our Biggest Risk.