Dave Morgia, what is the BIGGEST RISK?


Dave Morgia 

Yeah, so thanks for the prep before the show because I gave it some thought. I'm going to interpret this one as the biggest risks to myself. And my pride. And basically that I have now over the last year exposed myself into this field and made it public through these channels, whether it's a meetup or a podcast or, you know, Instagram, whatever social media. So the, the fear that goes along with failure is the biggest risk to me because I pretty much don't want to be able to say that I didn't do it. I don't want to have my tail between my legs and say that I failed. And I think there's you know, some healthiness to having some fear. But then also, to kind of mitigate that risk, like you talked about is the thing that I've done is just go in further and double down because I mean, what else is there to do but just to try even harder to make sure that I do what I say I want to do. 


So for me it was Yeah, just just keep going. I don't know your experience with podcasting, but I didn't have any and I just kind of figured it out. I didn't know anything about syndication. You know a little while back. It's been more than a year obviously for that, but um, but I didn't know any thing, you know, at some point in my life and just learning and absorbing and doing as much as I can today and this week and this month to get to the point where I won't have that fear ever and I might have, you know, some type of fear. But to know that I made it that was the biggest risk for me and is the biggest risk for me is to make sure that I now get that first deal done and, and get success in this industry. So I guess that's how I took it.