Darrin Gross:

Dave Foster, I'd like to ask you, what is the biggest risk?


Dave Foster:

What a great question. You know, I like to think of risk as having been a coin that has two sides. And on one side, I think the greatest risk in both my life. And in my investors, life has been the risk of inaction. We want we had a goal of moving on to a sailboat and living and living out here raising our boys. And oh my gosh, that was the greatest period of our lives. But boy did we have to overcome a lot of naysayers, and a lot of fear, to take that risk. But the risk of inaction had far greater consequences than the risk of actually doing it. And that's something that Mark Twain actually said it 20 years from now, the things that you regret are not going to be the things that you did, they're going to be the things that you didn't do. So I see that risk of inaction has been huge. But the other side of that coin, is that with the 1031 exchange, and with what to build wealth, the greatest risk you've got is not exercising patience, and let your money work for you. Everybody talks about passive income, but passive income doesn't happen overnight. It happens in stages over time. That's my coin of risk.