J Darrin Gross:

I'd like to ask you, Darin Davis. What is the biggest risk? 

Darin Davis:

Yeah, and it's not a black and white answer. So and I get asked this question.

You know, a few times but and it's I look back the the biggest risk personally for me was if I didn't take any, okay, the fear, I accepted the risk by doing my first few deals, knowing I probably was not going to make a ton of money. All right, I just, and I accepted that personally, mentally, emotionally. Because I said, There's no way I can, I can figure some of this stuff out. So the risk there is there was accepted risk, and I took it, okay, education, knowledge, experience, it best thing I ever did. And they were small at the time. I mean, they were big at the time, but they I look, I fast forward to 20 years. I mean, they were the greatest things I ever did. Okay. And I always think about, you know, I've had a lot of broken bones, I was a crazy kid, I tried all kinds of things. And I always, I always thought about atrophy as an as an answer, okay. You know, you know, when you break your arm back in the old days, they put plaster cast on us, you know, today, I think you're walking around with a knee surgery, four hours later, whatever they do, but everybody knows what atrophy as you take the cast off your arms, half the size of your other arm, you know, looking at that, but I kind of sat back and said, you know, what you can either, you know, waste the time and the knowledge that you've learned by doing nothing, okay, which I think is incredibly risky. Or you can spend that time and knowledge to do something that will propel you and or your family to some place that you're going to go. Or if you want to take it to the next level, you can invest. And when I say invest, I don't mean like, physically invest, but make that commitment and that investment in yourself and your family to actually go out and execute. And I used to say something, I've said this a long time. And actually, I kind of forgot about it. But I used to say, education without execution is just entertainment. My three E's, you know? And to me, that's, that's the risk that I will not accept me, you know, so not really an insurance answer. But you've got to take some emotional and mental risk, and even some financial risks, and I've lost money, there's no doubt about it. On my own money, okay. I've lost money. And but I look back, and I'm happy that I did what I did. I learned a lot. Now, if you don't, if you don't change your ways that you've learned those lessons, then that don't do it. Okay. But if you're willing to accept that, hey, I can take that risk, I can live with it, and I can learn and move on.  That's, that's powerful.