Darrin: [00:00:07] And so I'd like to ask you Damon Lupo what is the BIGGEST RISK? [00:00:13][5.7]

Damion: [00:00:15] Avoiding risk is the BIGGEST RISK. I mean when you're when you're three you avoid, minimizing and transferring. And when I see avoiding risk people, in general, are taught, and we talked about helicopter parenting. People are taught to avoid risk. I have a painter who's a brilliant artist and he was avoiding risk of going out on its own and so he kept working at Costco to get health benefits at 22 years old. And I look at him and said What is wrong with you. You realize you can go buy insurance for your health. Like are you sick. I mean do you have some crazy disease. He said, No I just you know it's it's expensive. The problem is we make up these things in our brain. And so here's here's how you shift. You get educated. By with people that actually have an understanding and you learn by doing stuff. So there's there's ways you can you can learn. You can go out and just run into the street and say OK what's going to happen you're going to get run over. Or you can say OK I'm going to go look for a mentor that has a reputation maybe he's bald or Gray has been out there, and and get that person to help guide you and you take action. The key consistent thing here is the action you have to take action. There is no avoiding risk and playing it safe. You play it safe. We've all seen games basketball, football, anything. When a team starts playing not to lose to me that's avoiding risk. It's avoiding making a mistake. Guess what, they lose. Every time, they freaking lose. So that's what we're doing when we're avoiding risk. Risk. To me you did great. I learned something from my friend Robert Kiyosaki, when I was teaching with him recently, and he he changed my outlook on what wealth is. He said wealth is not it's not cash, not cash flow. I go Wait? It's not Cash flow? And I've said maybe it's not even one of those it's confidence. He said here's a wealth really as wealth is your collection of mistakes that you've made where you've learned because you've done something the more you do the wealth you you get. It doesn't matter whether you get it right or wrong. The fact that you did it and stub your toe and tripped and fell in the sand or whatever. And I said oh my gosh. That's why I feel so wealthy because I'm like the biggest f up ever! I'm out there stripping and stubbing my toe constantly. Most people are afraid and why, because of judgment. They don't want people to look at them like they're an idiot. We're all an idiot. We start off basically screaming because we have no idea what's going on popping out of our mama. And then we see we go about our lives trying to prevent anybody from looking at stupid. Well how else are we going to learn. That's how you learn by going out there. So the risk is in not taking any risk. And it's because we're afraid of the judgment in general. [00:00:15][0.0]
