Darrin Gross:

I'd like to ask you, Brian Bradley, what is the biggest risk?


Brian Bradley 

I think the biggest risk is not thinking that you have any. And I think ignorance is the biggest risk because I have a lot of clients who call ventures like why did you wait so long? You have $20 million, you know, of assets that are unprotected. And they had no clue where their risk even lies, because they thought, Well, I'm I have heavily mortgaged and so I didn't think that I needed to protect anything, but then they have, you know, a lot of equity and that I think equity needed to be protected. So I think it's just a matter of looking at your whole life structure and talking to a professional like yourself and myself and saying, What's your day job? What's your normal life like? What are the age of your kids Whereas the liability just in your general life, where's your liability in your professional businesses, and where's the liability and the things you own and how you own them, and then get a good assessment and knowledge based on that. And once you understand where all the risk and liability comes from, then you have the knowledge to start thinking, What do I do about this and mitigate those. But if you don't take the first step to even analyze where your personal life and liability comes from? That I think is the biggest thing, because if you think of it like a pie chart, no, there's things I know, there's the things I don't know. And then there's the things I don't know that I don't know, if most of your liabilities and things that I don't know that I don't know, you're in for a rude awakening. So I like to shrink that piece of the pie first, and start educating people to where once I know, I don't know this, I can ask the questions and start solving that.