J Darrin Gross

I'd like to ask you, Andy Gurczak, what is the biggest risk?


Andy Gurczak  

I think my answer if it's not insurance related would be fear. Fear would be the biggest risk. Like you said, Fear is what holds people back is you want to transfer that risk. You said you want to minimize that risk. Fear. To me, when I look at the what's the risk? Well, the risk is fear. If I don't do something and being scared to go out there and do something, we'll call that PA or to me, that's a risk. Because your your fear is holding you back. And you're you can't avoid risk. Right? You can minimize it, you can transfer but you can't avoid it. So I would I would say fear is what kind of was in my head the whole time. I don't know if the right answer. Quick, quick answer.