J Darrin Gross

I'd like to ask you, and I'm sure what is the biggest risk?


Adam Sharif 

for us is the biggest risk for anyone else. And that is uncertainties. Okay, no one no uncertainties. It's the opposite of having a line of sight, right? There's no one, no one can sit there and tell you exactly what's going to happen. Everyone can guess. So that's one of them. But I liked it recently. One, this question was asked of Warren Buffett. And and I love his answer. Basically, he said political risks international political risks, like wars, and Ukraine, and such, and, and maybe the next pandemic, those are what he worries about the most, those are the things that he can't control. Those are things that that could create even greater uncertainty all over the place. So I'm gonna go with that answer. I like, personally, anyway. And when he when he gave that answer, I thought it was fantastic. We can we can talk about the micro, the, you know, the interest rates, and, and, you know, all kinds of stuff, inflation and deflation, we can do all that sort of stuff, but answers got to be things you can't see, you know, things you can't do anything about, those of those are the biggest risks and, and they're not always very, they're not transferable. Those are nervous, you can transfer to other people, those are the ones that you're going to have to, you know, handle yourself. And which makes business very exciting. And also, you know, stressful.