Anna Myers, what is the BIGGEST RISK?


Anna Myers:

What is the BIGGEST RISK of well I'm going to tie it back to a To Asset Management because there are, there are risks with investing in real estate. And I think it's a risk if if people aren't watching the bottom line and keeping track of their investments. So I think that, that you need to have your handles hand on data and keep on keep on, you know, keep on task to make sure that to mitigate the risk of things going wrong. So the risks are, you know, occupancy could could go way down because you're not watching the issues, you could have a lot of delinquency coming in. Of course, you could have a lot of natural disaster come or something like that. But there's a lot of things you've got to keep your eye on, on on an asset. And those are the risks that I believe the asset manager like like you know, the asset managers responsible for under Standing those risks and mitigating them and and seeing them before they happen so that we can pivot. And we do that using data and always being on task I, in 2019, I spent over 450 hours in Asset Management meetings, just Asset Management meetings, I'm not talking about meetings, Asset Management meetings 450 hours, it is something you have to be very dedicated to. And it's you know, it's a team of people so I do believe that the job of the of the asset manager is to mitigate risk for the investors.