Keith Casey is co-author of A Practical Approach to API design: From Principles to Practice. Former Developer Evangelist at Twilio, his current work with Okta focuses on identity and authentication APIs. Keith is a software engineer focusing on creating open architecture, specifically APIs. His goal is to get good technology into the hands of good people to do great things.


Key Takeaways:

[2:43] Keith Casey describes APIs from a business perspective.

[5:04] Why would a business adopt an API strategy?

[7:01] Twilio eliminates the need for a carrier contract and provides enterprises with immediate cost structure.

[10:03] Zapier captures an event and then sends the information to another system.

[12:48] Jeff Bezos’ memo ensured APIs would be part of Amazon’s future.

[19:23] Salesforce and their development community built APIs to integrate with other systems and platforms.

[21:45] The concept of API-First gives users a toolbox instead of a finished product.

[25:45] Security implications shouldn’t keep a business from designing an API strategy.


Mentioned in This Episode:

The API Design Book

Casey Software

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