You are currently living in a construct. You have created mental models, good and bad, to promote your own self interests. Each day you use these models as paths to guide you through life. You then apply labels to these things so you know how to react to situations. Becoming aware that you are the architect of this construction allows you the freedom to not be swept away by your inner monologue. As an entrepreneur, you will find this difficult as you prefer to be in control. Take the challenge of allowing your purpose to find you by becoming consciously aware. .


Key Takeaways:

[1:06] The feeling of joy has left us there’s an undercurrent of stress

[2:41] I used the work of the great spiritual masters and applied it to post industrial society

[3:45] Reach out and claim your birthright of joy

[4:27] Use your internal monologue to guide you, the voice of judgement

[5:47] We live our lives according to our mental models

[7:46] Awareness is a foundation block

[8:00] You are the observer, or the witness, and not the voice in your head

[8:50] An example of a downward spiral and mental chatter

[10:56] The stories we tell ourselves individually and globally

[11:57] Visualize this

[15:44] As you become more aware you are less likely to be swept away

[19:12] The moment you label something bad the suffering begins

[22:45] Everything you do is in your perceived self interest

[26:28] Stress is caused by everyone acting in their own self interest

[27:49] Meditation and Practice will add instances of clarity to your life

[29:10] Your purpose finds you if you are consciously aware

[30:24] Entrepreneurs are control freaks, you can not connect the dots looking forward

[31:18] Dr. Rao is human too & Tim’s mentor example

[33:08] Uneasy lies the head which wears the crown

[35:28] As Governor Jimmy Carter thought he could be President, so he made it happen







