Hello everyone and welcome to CommanderCast Episode 488!  This week Mark and Adam are back and they have a variety of topics to touch on. First we take a moment to talk about the art of Tony DiTerlizzi and their MtG Sketchbook which can be found on Twitter. We then take a quick look at […]

Hello everyone and welcome to CommanderCast Episode 488!  This week Mark and Adam are back and they have a variety of topics to touch on. First we take a moment to talk about the art of Tony DiTerlizzi and their MtG Sketchbook which can be found on Twitter. We then take a quick look at how card draw has changed in mono-White and the implications of it. We wrap things up with a quick look at the newset Legendary cards from the 2022 Game Nights set and how they shake out.


All that, plus our usual interstitial fodder, and all you have to do is Click the IB!!!


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CommanderCast Episode 488

Posted: July 18, 2022








Keep up with the conversation on Facebook & Twitter.



Tony DiTerlizzi’s MtG Sketchbook on Twitter


See also: DiTerlizzi’s big ol’ list of Magic cards through the years.



Interstitial fodder: 

Stranger Things finale **ALL THE SPOILERS!!***
PowerSlave: Exhumed – terrible name, but good ‘90s shooter/metroidvania (see also: pretty deece Iron Maiden album)
Adam finally gets around to watching Joker
CommanderCast solves pizza




How much better has mono-White card draw gotten recently?


Aerial Extortionist
Archivist of Oghma
Battle Angels of Tyr
Bennie Bracks, Zoologist
Cut a Deal
Esper Sentinel
Folk Hero
Halo Fountain
Losheel, Clockwork Scholar
Master of Ceremonies
Rumor Gatherer
Sanctuary Warden
Secret Rendezvous
Sigarda’s Splendor
Sky Crier
Smuggler’s Share
Sudden Salvation
Sunset Revelry
Tenuous Truce
Wedding Announcement // Wedding Festivity
Wedding Ring
Welcoming Vampire
Your Temple Is Under Attack


Cantrip creatures/artifacts/etc.

Inspiring Overseer
Potion of Healing
Priest of Ancient Lore
Resistance Squad
Roving Harper
Rune of Sustenance
Search Party Captain
Spirited Companion




New Game Night 2022 Legends

Imaryll, Elfhame Elite
Maeve, Insidious Singer
Nogi, Draco-Zealot
Vogar, Necropolis Tyrant
Zamriel, Seraph of Steel


For reference: the mythic (but non-Legendary) creatures from the last Game Night set.




CommanderCast  – Email: commandercast(at)gmail(dot)com // twitter: (at)CommanderCast


Calvin – Email: captainredzone(at)gmail(dot)com  // twitter: (at)CaptainRedZone


Mark – Email: mahlerma(at)gmail(dot)com


Adam – (at)squire9999


Be sure to check out our CommanderCast Facebook page. 


And a big thanks to everyone here at the CommanderCast Network. We’ll see you next week with more community, strategy, and technology. Until then, LET’S GET IT!

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