Patreon Patron of the Week - Nathan Swann, your name in lights tier Patreon Contest - We know times are rough right now, but we always try to focus on the positive aspects of life. What are you most thankful for? - 3 Packs of Commander Legends (Maybe you can use these in our Commander Legends sealed league) New! We’re streaming with patrons most Thursdays now, so watch out for the message on slack to sign up to be eligible for that week.  Ryan - @greenegeek Zack - @z4ck38 Together - @commandersocial   You can find us on Twitter Mike Condon for audio engineering and The Clapper Thanks SOCIALSHIP - free shipping on orders of $50 or more SOCIAL10 - 10% off in stock MTG singles Thursday nights come play at mothership! Our LGS has setup an online store! @MothershipGames - 9:21, 18:17 @SpellTable - 10:13 @Marshall_LR - 19:43 @GingerJ0E - 24:03 @realCardsphere - 34:48 @PackCrackFever - 35:32 @PKP_Magic - 35:56 @edhrec - 40:38, 48:00 @CommandersBrew - 41:14 @blairwitchgreen - 51:20 Ep 70 Community Spotlight: How great does it feel to have your brand new deck in your hands? I think this is a common experience that most Commander players can relate to. Sidenote: As a parent, I 100% see this feeling in my children. Whatever the newest toy is, that’s the one they love the most (even if it’s a stuffed animal or action figure that is 30 years old, and has been in a box in the garage) Maybe there’s a lesson we can learn in Magic here. Maybe the fact that a deck is new is enough, like maybe it doesn’t have to be stuffed to the gills with powerful/expensive cards? I know I certainly get excited shuffling up the precon decks every year.  Maybe also the Commander Legends League that we are going to do is going to scratch this itch? Also, just sitting down to a draft at our LGS, like “What am I going to open?” And which of these cards that I’m drafting can I add to my already existing decks? I think for me, it’s less, and this may be why I don’t upgrade decks as often. This may also just be a function of having a LOT of cards lying around. Maybe also because the anticipation of seeing how a particular card will work in a deck is less than seeing if a whole deck will come together.  Can we get a similar feeling by upgrading a deck? For me, it’s kinda like Christmas, (or any other gift giving holiday/occasion) . Those presents are just sitting there under the tree, for weeks, and all you can do is just imagine what they are gonna be. It’s like a much longer version of “The Marshmallow test” Heck, Christmas is like a year long exercise in delayed gratification. How many times have I told my kids, maybe for Christmas, or maybe for your birthday? Idea phase is usually pretty short, but can last a few days. You read an article/watch a video, and it percolates at the back of your mind for a bit Tangent: I’ve been trying to really pare down the cards I order for a new deck Specifically, I try to order less in number, and very much less in value. Many contributing factors. I didn’t own a shuffle-drazi, and it’s something I’ve wanted for a long time I was buying it from my LGS, and I pretty much just wanted an excuse to spend money there It felt like an effect that I 100% wanted in this deck, and there really aren’t many others like this (I don’t really plan on ever casting it in this deck, unless something has gone horribly wrong) For me, there is some sort of threshold that a card must cross, in order for me to order it. Oftentimes, if the card is like $0.50 or less, and I don’t own other copies of it, I’ll pretty much order it, if I think it’s really important to the decks game plan. The opposite of this is also true, like I ordered an Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre. The brewing phase, this is usually only a couple of hours, but is often revisited again once I get the cards physically in front of me For me the whole process, from idea to maiden voyage takes quite a bit of time. Delayed gratification I wonder why I feel this way? For me, I think an analogy might be dominoes, like you spend all this time setting up this elaborate Rube Goldberg machine, and you can’t wait to kick it off, and watch it all happen! I find it interesting that after all this work, the payoff is so quick From the minute I put the final sleeve on the deck, I have this intense desire to play it. And sometimes it’s days before I get a chance All this lead-up, or buildup, what happens if you just don’t like the deck? What is it that you don’t like about the deck? Play pattern Not fun to play against? Opponents got a little salty? Didn’t live up to your ideas/expectations? Is there a way to fix the deck and give it another go? Maybe the deck idea is good, but there’s another commander you can use? At the same time, if you do decide to dismantle it, don’t feel bad. This is a game, we play it to have fun, if you’re not having fun, see if the cards from that deck might have a better home somewhere else Give the deck at least a few games before you decide to dismantle it Don’t be complacent, think about cards in there that didn’t perform as well as you thought they might? Also, play it a few more times, maybe you just got an insane draw. What if the deck is awesome? What to do with the deck post-maiden voyage? Main Topic - That NEW Deck Feeling Folks out in audience land, do you ever get that NEW deck feeling? Is it something you enjoy? Is your process from idea to maiden voyage short or longer? Did you enjoy this episode? Let us know because we want to give you what you want. Summary Keep it Social! Komiku - Battle of Pogs Zack Gets it Together Theme Consider becoming a Patron: You can check us out at YouTube - You can email us directly at [email protected] Instagram: On twitter @commandersocial Ryan individually @greenegeek Zack individually @z4ck38 Contact Info © Copyright 2020 Leaky Dinghy, LLC

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