Patreon Patron of the week: Jacob Taylor Patreon Contest - 6 Boosters of Theros Beyond Death Ryan - @greenegeek Zack - @z4ck38 Together - @commandersocial   Twitter contest - 3 Boosters of Theros Beyond Death You can find us on Twitter Mike Condon for audio engineering and petri dishes Thanks @CMDRCentral_Max - 19:00 @GingerJ0E - 19:00, 31:50, 49:48 @MothershipGames - 19:30, 47:20 @TolarianCollege - 46:50, 50:40 @loadingreadyrun - 50:40 Ep 33 Community Spotlight: 305.7 Commander Rules! Magic is the greatest game and full of the best people. We should all be ambassadors and work to grow the game and bring in more great people.  We should foster a community of inclusivity Everyone deserves respect Spending time with folks with a different background or perspective, can give you a different perspective, and we think that’s a good thing Zack - Australia mail story Ryan tell a story Speak up when others are doing not cool things A Magic Player is a Magic Player period.  Kids could be present Others might not know you as well, and might not know when you’re joking. Sometimes, even innocent things, said with no ill-intent can be taken out of context Be aware of your surroundings Ryan does this.  Learn other’s stories Invest in those around you Ask if they want advice. It’s better than just offering, as sometimes a player may be salty, and getting advice might be the last thing they want. Maybe give some of your draft chaff to a newer player. Be willing to teach Help newer players Tokens, dice, life counter Knowing your deck Come prepared Crack fetches on not your turn Top responsibly (Cheer’s with a top) Play faster Pay attention Don’t be on your phone Invest in the game Lift people up on twitter Look for opportunities to be positive Be a positive role model in the community Spend money there, if you can Try and make sure the folks you play with have a good time, so they want to come back and play again Support your LGS Donate your bulk to kids clubs Participate in Charity functions, if you can Give back the community There are many ways to enjoy magic and they are all valid.  One should find people who enjoy magic the same way they do to play.  Be honest This will ensure that everyone has the most amount of fun The Talk Be the kind of person you want to play against Use your empathy hat Summary - Magic is the best game, but we can make it better. Be excellent to each other  Main Topic - Making Magic Better Thanks for watching! Please remember to Like and Subscribe, and you can follow us on Twitter, @commandersocial, @greenegeek, @z4ck38. Keep it Social! Commander Social Intro and Outro Theme
Raindrop by Declan DP Licensing Agreement 2.0
Music promoted by Audio Library Komiku - Battle of Pogs Zack Gets it Together Theme Consider becoming a Patron: You can check us out at YouTube - You can email us directly at [email protected] Instagram: On twitter @commandersocial Ryan individually @greenegeek Zack individually @z4ck38 Contact Info © Copyright 2019 Leaky Dinghy, LLC

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