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Ryan - @greenegeek Zack - @z4ck38 Together - @commandersocial SOCIALSHIP - free shipping on orders of $50 or more SOCIAL10 - 10% off in stock MTG singles Thursday nights come play at mothership! Our LGS has setup an online store!


Ep 119 Community Spotlight:


@TheKristenEmily - 2:35 @MothershipGames - 5:47 @scryfall - 12:40 @MicahMTG - 37:34, 50:52 @MtgProphet - 39:04, 47:59 @edhrec - 55:39


Main Topic - Jacob Hauken


Disclaimer: This deck is NOT budget friendly. I kinda challenged Ryan to make this deck as busted as possible. ($1441.87) Link to deck: Read Jacob Hauken


I’m not playing a Show and Tell deck, YOU’RE playing a Show and Tell deck!


Show and Tell Omniscience Mystical Tutor


Cards that may or may not have secret volcano hideouts


Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur (Many of us just got the Praetor Secret Lair in) Sphinx of the Second Sun Tidespout Tyrant Hullbreaker Horror Memnarch Alrund’s Epiphany Nexus of Fate


He’s still Jakey from the Block


Chromatic Orrery Grim Monolith Mana Crypt Mana Vault High Tide 4x Mox (Amber, Chrome, Diamond, Opal) 27 artifacts (3 creatures, 2 lands, 22 normal) 5x 2 mana rocks 


We’ve secretly replaced your high-costed cards with Folger’s Crystals


Sea Gate Restoration Temporal Mastery Treasure Cruise Dig Through Time


What’s on the Top?!?!?!


Sensei’s Divining Top Brainstorm Search for Azcanta Long-Term Plans (Thanks Micah!) Future Sight (Thanks Prophet!) Soothsaying Scroll Rack


You wouldn’t hit a man with a magnifying glass, would you?


Fierce Guardianship Force of Will Curator’s Ward (Thanks Prophet!)


Weird Flex spot, but okay


Wizard’s Spellbook Paradox Haze (Thanks Micah!) Mind’s Dilation




What do you think about Jacob? Is this the kinda deck you want to try out? How do you feel about the overly large budget? What cards would YOU add?   Wrap it up Keep it Social! Komiku - Battle of Pogs Zack Gets it Together Theme Title - Trap Sport By - jorikbasov Commander Social Theme Consider becoming a Patron: You can check us out at YouTube - You can email us directly at [email protected] Instagram: On twitter @commandersocial Ryan individually @greenegeek Zack individually @z4ck38 Contact Info © Copyright 2021 Leaky Dinghy, LLC

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