You can now find our decks on TCGplayer! And if you live in the USA and want to purchase the cards from our brews and help out the show while you're at it, try using our affiliate link:

On top of American listeners getting our decks from TCG player, our Canadian listeners are better off using MTGCanada and the Wizard's Tower exclusive coupon code BREWCORESET to get 5% off your order and FREE Canadian shipping as long as you order $15 or more! Check it all out at!

This week we feature Greven, Predator Captain in a deck that pays so much life it's WILD. Living on the edge aint just a song by Aerosmith IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!?

You can always help the show directly through and get access to our discord to help us brew our decks as well as other perks!

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Like our kind of humour? Check out our Brews News comedy playlist on YouTube for real inside jokes for Magic players!

Follow us on twitter at @commandersbrew and individually we are @seantabares and @andyhullbone.

"There It Is"
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0