Greetings friends! This week we tackle two meaty topics with more in common than you may think... Firstly we run through the first Strixhaven offerings to be revealed this week, including the discussing the flavour of the set, what the school houses are leading on for relatability, and why Chesh feels particularly problematic with some of the trope-driven depictions of some of the school houses. On a big positive, we also run through the stunning new showcase and japanese exclusive card treatments (big thumbs up), before linking to the big topic; Mental health and how it connects with us and Magic. We discuss normalising mental help conversations, how connection through Magic has been a huge support network, and our experiences.
As mentioned in the episode, we absolutely need to reinforce that if anyone needs help whatsover to contact your relevant hotline: Lifeline if you're in Australia on 13 11 14
Suicide hotlines in US: 1800 273 8255 and Canada: 1833 456 4566
Trans lifeline in US and Canada - 1877 330 6366
Remember, someone is always listening, and you matter.
Send us feedback, questions, pictures of Cephalids to [email protected], we'd love to hear from you.
Follow us on twitter at: @cmdr_crunch (
Sam is at @passthejamsam (
Chesh is at @CheshirePlays (
Chesh's Youtube content, including Deck Techs and Commander: The Distancing Series can be found here (
This Podcast is sponsored by ( as well as Josh & Pat's MTG Bazaar (
Intro Music by our very own DJ Cheshy Chesh, purveyor of the tastiest beats.

Greetings friends! This week we tackle two meaty topics with more in common than you may think... Firstly we run through the first Strixhaven offerings to be revealed this week, including the discussing the flavour of the set, what the school houses are leading on for relatability, and why Chesh feels particularly problematic with some of the trope-driven depictions of some of the school houses. On a big positive, we also run through the stunning new showcase and japanese exclusive card treatments (big thumbs up), before linking to the big topic; Mental health and how it connects with us and Magic. We discuss normalising mental help conversations, how connection through Magic has been a huge support network, and our experiences.

As mentioned in the episode, we absolutely need to reinforce that if anyone needs help whatsover to contact your relevant hotline: Lifeline if you're in Australia on 13 11 14

Suicide hotlines in US: 1800 273 8255 and Canada: 1833 456 4566

Trans lifeline in US and Canada - 1877 330 6366

Remember, someone is always listening, and you matter.

Send us feedback, questions, pictures of Cephalids to [email protected], we'd love to hear from you.

Follow us on twitter at: @cmdr_crunch

Sam is at @passthejamsam

Chesh is at @CheshirePlays

Chesh's Youtube content, including Deck Techs and Commander: The Distancing Series can be found here

This Podcast is sponsored by as well as Josh & Pat's MTG Bazaar

Intro Music by our very own DJ Cheshy Chesh, purveyor of the tastiest beats.

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