Welcome back friends of the breakfast table! This week we continue our explorations into the essence of edh with a very special MTG (and well, Hearthstone) community member and all round wonderful Canadian Joel, aka Enthralimund from the Hearthstone podcast Squelch! Joel brings years of magic and life experience to the table with great perspectives as an art teacher, family man, and advocate for reinforcing the positive side of why we play card games. We run through the release of Commander Collection: Green, Joel's background in Magic and Hearthstone, and what each game has taught about the other, plus philosophies on what constitutes a healthy edh game and community. We also have some fun with a little excercise based on some of the greatness that comes from Squelch! where we relate Gas station customers to Commanders, and hilarity ensues. We round it out of course with our classic profile questions, of which Joel delivers some quality content including Modest Mouse, the movie Willow, and the wacky antics of Snorlax. Enjoy!
You can find Enthralimund and Squelch! at:
Enthralimund on Twitter (https://twitter.com/Enthralimund1)
The Squelch! Podcast (https://www.squelchcast.com/)
Send us feedback, questions, pictures of Cephalids to [email protected], we'd love to hear from you.
Follow us on twitter at: @cmdr_crunch (https://twitter.com/cmdr_crunch)
Sam is at @passthejamsam (https://twitter.com/passthejamsam)
Chesh is at @CheshirePlays (https://twitter.com/CheshirePlays)
Chesh's Youtube content, including Deck Techs and Commander: The Distancing Series can be found here (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6-Brws5w8BK9VnIdr8Juyw)
This Podcast is sponsered by PureMTGO.com (https://puremtgo.com/) as well as Josh & Pat's MTG Bazaar (https://www.facebook.com/groups/jpmtgbazaar/)
Intro Music by our very own DJ Cheshy Chesh, purveyor of the tastiest beats.

Welcome back friends of the breakfast table! This week we continue our explorations into the essence of edh with a very special MTG (and well, Hearthstone) community member and all round wonderful Canadian Joel, aka Enthralimund from the Hearthstone podcast Squelch! Joel brings years of magic and life experience to the table with great perspectives as an art teacher, family man, and advocate for reinforcing the positive side of why we play card games. We run through the release of Commander Collection: Green, Joel's background in Magic and Hearthstone, and what each game has taught about the other, plus philosophies on what constitutes a healthy edh game and community. We also have some fun with a little excercise based on some of the greatness that comes from Squelch! where we relate Gas station customers to Commanders, and hilarity ensues. We round it out of course with our classic profile questions, of which Joel delivers some quality content including Modest Mouse, the movie Willow, and the wacky antics of Snorlax. Enjoy!

You can find Enthralimund and Squelch! at:

Enthralimund on Twitter

The Squelch! Podcast

Send us feedback, questions, pictures of Cephalids to [email protected], we'd love to hear from you.

Follow us on twitter at: @cmdr_crunch

Sam is at @passthejamsam

Chesh is at @CheshirePlays

Chesh's Youtube content, including Deck Techs and Commander: The Distancing Series can be found here

This Podcast is sponsered by PureMTGO.com as well as Josh & Pat's MTG Bazaar

Intro Music by our very own DJ Cheshy Chesh, purveyor of the tastiest beats.

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