Today we're joined at the breakfast table by none other than Jason Alt, known around all corners of the Commander websphere for his works with Brainstorm Brewery,, writing at MtG Price and CoolStuff Inc, and most recently from the Film Hooligans podcast, as well as a great little term we know of eternally in EDH as the '75% Theory'.
We run through everything from Commander philosophy, latest product releases, the future of magic and work as we know it, film and the state of comedy.
You can find Jason at:
@JasonEAlt (
The original 75% article:
Send us feedback, questions, pictures of Cephalids to [email protected], we'd love to hear from you.
Follow us on twitter at: @cmdr_crunch (
Sam is at @passthejamsam (
Chesh is at @CheshirePlays (
Chesh's Youtube content, including Deck Techs and Commander: The Distancing Series can be found here (
This Podcast is sponsered by
Music by TRG Banks (

Today we're joined at the breakfast table by none other than Jason Alt, known around all corners of the Commander websphere for his works with Brainstorm Brewery,, writing at MtG Price and CoolStuff Inc, and most recently from the Film Hooligans podcast, as well as a great little term we know of eternally in EDH as the '75% Theory'.

We run through everything from Commander philosophy, latest product releases, the future of magic and work as we know it, film and the state of comedy.

You can find Jason at:


The original 75% article:

Send us feedback, questions, pictures of Cephalids to [email protected], we'd love to hear from you.

Follow us on twitter at: @cmdr_crunch

Sam is at @passthejamsam

Chesh is at @CheshirePlays

Chesh's Youtube content, including Deck Techs and Commander: The Distancing Series can be found here

This Podcast is sponsered by

Music by TRG Banks

Twitter Mentions