Tomorrow is Intersex Awareness Day 2023, and Lauren has a guest whom she's wanted to have on the podcast ever since she saw her do an Insta Live for Intersex Awareness Day 2022! Jahni Leggett has a number of intersecting identities (fat! Black! someone with ADHD!), but describes her intersex identity as the foundation or "fixed point" that informs all of the others. Jahni was raised as a boy by a single father who had very heteronormative, machismo-tinged expectations for her...but in Jahni's own words, "things started to get funky" around fourth or fifth grade, when she suddenly began to develop breasts. This is only the beginning of Jahni's story, which she tells with humor, charisma, and an *incredible* amount of grace and compassion for those involved along the way. From unexpectedly finding radical acceptance and empowerment through sex work to finally receiving a diagnosis that made everything fall into place, Jahni's story is a true celebration of intersex identity! Happy Intersex Awareness Day, y'all!

(TW: mentions of underage sex work, but nothing descriptive)

Follow Jahni on Instagram at @queen_jahni_, and watch the fantastic video she made with Jubilee at, where it has over ONE MILLION VIEWS! Also, if *you* are intersex and are looking for community, check out the L.A. LGBT Center's Club Intersex at!