Tera Wozniak Stortz, founder of the Queer Divorce Club, remembers one fleeting moment in high school when it ever-so-briefly crossed her mind that she might be a lesbian. For the most part, though, Tera thought that her lack of attraction to men simply meant that she was "broken." Like many in her position, Tera ended up in a long-term heteronormative marriage, and kept herself moving at such a breakneck pace that she never had time to truly examine her identity. But when Tera and her husband became polyamorous and Tera started having experiences with women...the truth that she'd been repressing for decades became impossible to ignore. Tera shares how opening her marriage led to her meeting her current partner, and describes how she and her now ex-husband explained their divorce to their two young children in a transparent but age-appropriate way. We also discuss the unique difficulties (not to mention stigmas) that come with getting "queer divorced," and Tera shares how she created the Queer Divorce Club around the central idea that "we can all get divorced in our own way."

Interested in the Queer Divorce Club?? You can check out their website at queerdivorceclub.com, and request to join their private Facebook group at facebook.com/groups/queerdivorceclub. You can also learn more about Tera at terawozniakstortz.com, and follow her on Instagram at @tera.queerdivorceclub and on TikTok at @teraqueerdivorceclub!