Previous Episode: Episode 255: Rain Valdez

When Tembe Denton-Hurst's fiancée gifted her a writing class, Tembe had no idea that the short story she turned in would eventually become "Homebodies," her debut novel that was published in May! A consummate writer, Tembe shares a hilarious rollercoaster of a coming out story that includes an "earth-shifting" look she exchanged with a friend's younger sister, and a highly-relatable series of "deeply one-sided, ill-fated crushes." Tembe also discusses how, at just twenty years old, she and her now-fiancée made the incredibly mature decision to prioritize their relationship over their unaccepting parents, and explains how, with "Homebodies," she wanted to tell a more nuanced coming out story about "women who are very settled in their identities, but still constantly navigating...being queer in Black families." All this, plus Nicole has sexy chest-cold-voice!

Follow Tembe on Instagram and Twitter at @tembae, and check out her website at!