There's "I didn't realize I was queer!" and then there's "An actual pastor's kid had to inform me that I was queer!" Comedian and podcast host Jolenta Greenberg (How to Be Fine) hilariously falls into the second category. Although Jolenta spent all of high school in blissful obliviousness, the evidence of her bisexuality had been piling up since childhood, notably with simultaneous crushes on LeVar Burton and a female side character on Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. But despite frequently hooking up with her female friends and regularly attending a queer club, Jolenta genuinely believed that she was just a REALLY good ally! She and Nicole bond over being bi women in straight-facing marriages, and Jolenta discusses the "pang" she sometimes feels about not having put a label on her sexuality sooner. Also: what it's like to live by the teachings of different self-help books week after week, all for the purposes of your podcast!

Follow Jolenta on Instagram at @jolenta_g and on Twitter at @JolentaG. Also, check out How to Be Fine (formerly known as By The Book) wherever you get your podcasts, and follow them on Instagram at @howtobefinepod!