We're starting the new year with a longtime friend of the pod whose *very* distinctive name can be heard each and every week on our list of patrons: that's right, it's Pooh! Pooh hails from Alaska, and is NOT kidding when she says that the story of her life is basically "many, many Lifetime movies." From getting married off at seventeen to a "family friend" who was four decades her senior, to being personally responsible for helping to get domestic violence laws passed in Texas, Pooh has navigated some unfathomably difficult circumstances (abuse, life-threatening illness, etc.) with an INCREDIBLE amount of grace and humor. She shares some of the most impactful stories from her life, including how her platonic poly family has rallied around her in the wake of a recent health diagnosis. All this, plus the kiss heard 'round the world at FaberryCon!

Follow Pooh on Twitter at @rqficrecs and on Instagram at @poohtine7.