We're closing out Bi Visibility Month with makeup artist, photographer, and Leif Pacent-Lindquist's "Number One" Babysitter, Kyrsta Morehouse! Kyrsta grew up in a small, conservative town in Northern California and was raised in a "very Christian" home. However, when she became aware of her attraction to women, it wasn't being a lesbian that Kyrsta was afraid of, but rather "living in that weird liminal space." In fact, Kyrsta found herself praying to God to just make her straight *or* gay. Kyrsta discusses moving to L.A. all alone at eighteen, why "bi" resonates with her more strongly than "pan" (even though they're equally accurate labels for her), and how finding the pod during quarantine led Kyrsta to the L.A. LGBT Center's Biosphere group, which in turn led her to her partner!

Follow Kyrsta on Instagram at @kyrstashae, and follow her AMAZING makeup artist account at @kyrstamua!