Activist and author Edafe Okporo ("Asylum: A Memoir & Manifesto") is a truly incredible human being. Born and raised in Nigeria when homosexuality was heavily condemned (but not yet criminalized), Edafe hid his sexuality by joining the ministry in college. Though he eventually left to become an activist and work at an HIV/AIDS clinic, everything changed in 2014 when homosexuality was made illegal in his country. Edafe details the harrowing story of how he was attacked by a mob and subsequently fled Nigeria...only to land in a U.S. detention center for months on end as a refugee. He describes the emotional whiplash he experienced going from life-threatening trauma to suddenly having to be "fabulously gay in New York," and how therapy has helped him on that journey. Today, Edafe is THRIVING, and it was an utter joy to talk to him!

Follow Edafe everywhere at @edafeokporo. Also, check out his beautiful website (and order his BOOK!) at