So, okay; here's the deal: we talked SO much when we recorded Nicole's farewell episode that we ended up cutting almost half an hour from the version that we released last week (classic #workwives!). We ultimately decided that this particular twenty-four minute chunk didn't serve the true purpose of that ep - which was celebrating Nicole, our partnership, and the version of the pod that is "Coming Out with Lauren & Nicole" - but we also felt that the tangential discussion we'd had was important enough to release on its own as this bonus mini-episode. Plus, Nicole wouldn't be Nicole if she didn't leave without a dash of CONTROVERSY! Please enjoy the following completely unedited, *heated* conversation, and remember: it's okay if we disagree!

The Out Magazine article we discuss (that we keep mistakenly referring to as an "interview;" oops!) can be found here: At least Lauren got the author right!