Tom Taylor knows his audience, no one can dispute that, which is why his work on Age of Resistance -- General Hux struck a chord with fans of Kylo Ren and Brendol's prodigal son, Armitage. Then, in Age of Resistance -- Poe Dameron, he crafted a great story that tied into The Last Jedi in a near-seamless manner.

As for Galaxy's Edge, the mini series that was ostensibly a tie-in to the Disney park, Ethan J. Sacks and Will Sliney took what could have been nothing more than an infomercial into a truly great stand-alone five-issue story that is likely to resonate down the Star Wars Saga timeline.

Meanwhile, Charles Soule, along with Terry and Rachel Dodson, showed that a riveting story need not be lengthy, with their one-page Darth Vader appearance in Marvel #1000 capturing Darth Vader in all the right ways. Plus, it left us wanting to know more about Micha, aka Red Four!

Be sure to check out artist Nick Brokenshire's works in progress for Return to Vader's Castle #3 due out in October, too.

This week’s Star Wars comics out Sept. 4 include:

_ Star Wars #71
_ Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order -- The Dark Temple #1
_ Galaxy's Edge #4 (2nd Printing)