FARZALA & QORT HEAD TO THE HUTT HOMEWORLD WHILE THE NIHIL PREPARE TO ATTACK! For the second volume of High Republic Adventures comics, two padawans & an ancient jedi master head to Nal Hutta along with crew from The Vessel – this journey brings plenty of reflection and lessons learned. Plus after the events in Race To Crashpoint Tower, Zeen & Lula are reunited with their friends while Maz Kanata’s castle on Takodana is attacked by the Nihil with only a single jedi there to defend! Plus Mike delves into the Parwan, Kyuzo and Rancor species all while giving plenty of connections to other content!

These High Republic comics are set in 231BBY, in the first phase & second wave of the High Republic.

The High Republic Adventures 6 was released 21stJuly 2021, issue 8 was released 1st September 2021, the 2021 Annual was released 15th December 2021 and the trade paperback collection was released 22nd February 2022.

Daniel José Older is the writer of these comics, with Rebecca Nalty as the colour artist for issues 6-8, Harvey Tolibao as artist on issues 6 & 7, Pow Rodrix also helped with the art on issue 6 and Toni Bruno was artist for issue 8. The 2021 HRA Annual has 5 short stories each written by a different author; Charles Soule, Claudia Gray, Justina Ireland, Daniel José Older & Cavan Scott, with artwork by Sam Beck, Jason Loo, Megan Huang, Yael Nathan, Jesse Lonergan & Stefano Simeone.

Mike tackled the first volume of High Republic Adventures comics in ep 86 of SWCIC and he tackled the first volume of High Republic comics (by Cavan Scott) in episode 84 of SWCIC, with volume 2 in episode 88.

Mike’s High Republic book reviews are found on Comics In Motion’s feed and on Mike’s YouTube: Light Of The Jedi was released March 13th 2021, A Test Of Courage: August 14th 2021, Into The Dark: October 2nd 2021, The Rising Storm: November 13th 2021 and Race To Crashpoint Tower was released February 5th 2022 - Out Of The Shadows should be released later in March 2022.

To listen to one of Mike’s Patreon episodes for free, check out the first in Mike & Megan’s Tom Hanks rewatch here: https://bit.ly/TomHanks1

Mike was recently on the 4th CiM Book Club, this time about Sandman Vol 1 - listen on this very feed!

Check out last week’s SWCIC (ep 89), where Mike tackled the 2nd volume of the Poe Dameron comics, where he & C-3PO search for a droid operative with the location of Snoke, all while trying to find who’s feeding information to the First Order. This story also includes Terex’ flashbacks to the Battle Of Jakku and a familiar droid for any Aftermath trilogy fans returns! 

Also check out Mike’s Patreon, for exclusive Star Wars book reviews AND weekly “Afterthoughts” episodes, plus there are unsplit full-length episodes of GCC, additional photos (including early access to photos of comics for this very show) and more, so if you want to support the show and get more content, check it out at http://patreon.com/genuinechitchat

Guest spots Mike has been involved in:

Mike returned to Star Wars Timeline to talk about accents in the Star Wars universe here: https://youtu.be/1X0PyXkQZGg - Check out Mike & Ben’s discussion on The Force Awakens here: https://youtu.be/c4VMXeBU3W4 The Last Jedi here: https://youtu.be/7dGEsdfSMkYand The Rise of Skywalker here: https://youtu.be/9fZWXji7_Jo

Intro & outro reads by BZ The Voice: http://www.bzthevoice.com

Intro theme arranged by Mike Burton, backing music by Eric Matyas at www.soundimage.org