This week, Mike tackles the four one-shot Age Of Resistance Villain comics, all set before The Force Awakens, 3 of which feature Kylo Ren! Phasma leads an army in “Fallen Guns”, General Hux & Kylo Ren are stranded together in “Marooned”, Snoke takes Ren to the Dagobah cave in “Fail. Or Kill It” and in “Out Of The Shadow” Kylo Ren faces against a Zillo beast which Vader couldn’t defeat. Plus Mike gives additional information about each of the four villains!

These stories are all set between 28-34 ABY (before the sequel trilogy).

All issues were written by Tom Taylor, with Leonard Kirk as penciller, Cory Hamscher as inker and Guru eFX as colour artist.

Phasma was the first villains comic released, in July 2019, with Kylo Ren’s being released September 2019, the trade paperback was released December 2019 and the hardcover featuring both heroes & villains was released September 2020.

Check out episode 1 of SWCIC for the Rise Of Kylo Ren mini-series and episode 5 for the Captain Phasma mini-series, plus if you want more detailed backstories on Hux & Phasma, check out the book Phasma, or for Hux & his dad Brendol, check the Aftermath Trilogy!

If you want to hear about the other Age Of stories (Republic & Rebellion), then check out episodes 2, 26, 31, 35, 39, 43 & 47 of SWCIC!

The last week on SWCIC, episode 51, Mike tackled the next volume of Doctor Aphra comics; The Catastrophe Con! This volume of space-craziness includes force-sensitive fungus, creatures who can read & erase minds, shapeshifters, a jail held together by ropes & an internal tractor beam, lovers lost, revenge, betrayal & more of what you’d expect from an Aphra comic! Mike also briefly talks about the “cantina band” Figrin D’an & The Modal Nodes!

Check out Mike’s Patreon, where he releases 2 episodes of his show “Afterthoughts” a week (with 2 episodes are *FREE* to anyone: season 1 of The Witcher and their review of The Phantom Menace), plus there are unsplit full-length episodes of GCC, additional photos (including early access to photos of comics for this very show) and more, so if you want to support the show and get more content, check it out at

Mike & 4 other members of Comics In Motion did a massive 5-person discussion on Zack Snyder’s Justice League, found on this very feed:

Mike was on the 20th Century Geek podcast to talk about his 3 “Desert Island Comics” here:

Mike & Megan were also on the Batman retrospective on 20th Century Geek, where they discuss Batman ’66, the four Burtonverse Batman movies, Mask Of The Phantasm and the Dark Knight trilogy, check it out part 1 here:

Mike was recently on Podcasts We Listen To, speaking about his show Genuine Chit-Chat and next week he talks all about this show and his love of Star Wars:

Mike also appeared on episode 76 Frank Burton’s Ragbag podcast:

Find Mike @GenuineChitChat on Twitter, @Genuine_ChitChat on Instagram & /GenuineChitChat on Facebook!

Intro theme arranged by Mike Burton, backing music by Eric Matyas at